I, You, He, She, It in German – Personal Pronouns Easily Explained
On this page, you’ll learn about the Personal Pronouns for I, You, He, She, and It.
For information on other pronouns, check out these pages:
🔗 Personal Pronouns: We, You, and They
🔗 She, You, and They in German – Always “sie”?
🔗 Using Personal Pronouns Instead of a Noun
🔗 Possessive Pronouns: My, Your, His, and Her
🔗 Possessive Pronouns: Our, Your, Their
🎓 Start Quiz | Personal Pronouns (1)
Challenge yourself with this quiz on German verb endings in the singular forms (ich, du, er, sie, es).
Can you identify the correct endings for each verb? 💡
There are 10 questions waiting for you!
Try your best and see how well you know these essential grammar rules. Good luck! 🍀
Personal Pronouns – Part 1
Personal Pronouns: I you he she it in German
Today I want to cover some German personal pronouns (ich, du, er, sie, es) and the corresponding endings of the verbs.
You’ll also learn how to ask a question in German.
Did you know that German verbs (in the basic form) have mostly an “en” at the end?
For example: to eat, to drink, to come, to read… => in German: essen, trinken, kommen, lesen…
The endings change according to the personal pronouns. Let’s look at the word spielen and the personal pronouns ich, du, er, sie, es.
I you he she it in German Exercise A
How to Work with Part A of the Exercise
- Start by looking at the picture.
- Read the text and listen to the audio several times.
- Repeat each sentence immediately after the speaker.
- Focus on closely imitating the speaker’s pronunciation.
- Once you’ve practiced a few times, move on to Part B.
ich, du, er, sie und es
Ich spiele
I play / I’m playing
Du spielst
You play / You are playing
Er spielt
He plays / He is playing
Sie spielt
She plays / She is playing
Es spielt
It plays / It is playing
I you he she it in German Exercise B
Part B of the Exercise
Question and Answer Section:
- Start by reading and listening to the questions and answers a few times.
- Answer during the pauses (you can refer to the answers if needed).
- After a few rounds, try answering without looking at the answers.
- Focus on accurately imitating my pronunciation.
- Repeat this lesson until you can confidently answer the questions.
Tip: When forming a question, change the word order and slightly raise your voice at the end!
Question and Answer Part
Imagine, the narrator asks and answers the questions himself.
Spiele ich?
Ja, ich spiele.
Spielst du?
Ja, du spielst.
Spielt er?
Ja, er spielt.
Spielt sie?
Ja, sie spielt.
Und spielt es auch (too)?
Ja, es spielt auch.
Don't stop now - repeat this part again!
Repeat this lesson until you can easily answer the questions.
Here is more for you
You should also repeat these lessons:
- Learn the colors in German
- A little dialogue on the topic: get to know each other
- How to conjugate SEIN and HABEN
- The German verb for ‘to like’ and how to use it
- Yes, No, Thank you, Hello and more basic german words
- German articles: DER, DIE and DAS
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Lesson 1
German Articles – Quiz
Lesson 4
The German Word IST
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You are in Lesson 5
Lesson 6
German Colors
Lesson 7
Plural Article “DIE”
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Lesson 10
German Numbers System
Lesson 20
Umlauts Ä Ö Ü
Lesson 30
German Time Exercises
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