German Articles: der die das
After exploring this page, be sure to check out these related resources:
🔗 Indefinite Articles: ein, eine
🔗 Plural German Article: die
The three main German articles (gender of nouns):
- der (masculine),
- die (feminine) and
- das (neuter)
Tip: The grammatical gender usually doesn’t follow a logical rule. So, always learn nouns together with their articles.
However, there are some suffixes that can help determine the article. I will explain which ones on this page.
This page is about the 3 German articles. If you want to start even easier, visit the page where I explain the German alphabet.
🎓 Listening Exercise: German Articles
How to Learn with Part A of the Exercise
- Start by looking at the picture.
- Read the text and listen to the audio a few times.
- Repeat each phrase after the speaker.
- Focus on accurately imitating the speaker’s pronunciation.
- Once you’re comfortable, move on to Part B (further down).
Tip: Always visualize the situations in your mind; this will help you remember the words!
der Mann
the man
Der Mann liest.
The man is reading.
die Frau
the woman
Die Frau isst.
The woman is eating.
der Junge
the boy
Der Junge trinkt.
The boy is drinking.
das Mädchen*
the girl
Das Mädchen schreibt.
The girl is writing.
Note: *das Mädchen
Maybe you wonder why we don’t use the article die when we use the word Mädchen (girl). After all it is a female person, right?
Well, I know it is strange and I explain it here chen in German – Diminutive.
How to find the correct German articles
I don’t recommend memorizing words by heart, but if you prefer to do so, make sure you’re not just learning the nouns alone!
Always remember to learn the accompanying articles: der, die, and das.
German grammatical gender doesn’t follow a strict set of rules, but there are certain noun endings (suffixes) that can give you a clue.
However, be cautious—these clues don’t always apply!
Also, take note of the English endings. Many English and German words are quite similar.
German Nouns with Article: der (list)
der Häftling (the prisoner)
der Frühling (the spring)
der Flüchtling (the refugee)
der Säugling (the infant)
der Lehrling (the apprentice)
der Zwilling (the twin)
der Optimist (the optimist)
der Pianist (the pianist)
der Polizist (the policeman)
der Spezialist (the specialist)
der Humor (the humor)
der Doktor (the doctor)
der Tresor (the safe)
der Professor (the professor)
der Motor (the motor)
der Egoismus (the egoism)
der Tourismus (the tourism)
der Pazifismus (the pacifism)
der Hörer (the receiver)
der Jäger (the hunter)
der Käfer (the bug, the beetle)
der Körper (the body)
der Tiger (the tiger)
der Bäcker (the baker)
der Donner (the thunder)
German Nouns with Article: die (list)
die Müdigkeit (the tiredness)
die Süßigkeit (the sweetness, the candy)
die Fähigkeit (the ability)
die Häufigkeit (the frequency)
die Flüssigkeit (the liquid, the fluid)
die Geschwindigkeit (the speed, the velocity)
die Fröhlichkeit (the joyfulness)
die Portion (the portion)
die Region (the region)
die Station (the station)
die Reaktion (the reaction)
die Situation (the situation)
die Nation (the nation)
die Tradition (the tradition)
die Feigheit (the cowardice)
die Schönheit (the beauty)
die Klugheit (the cleverness)
die Blödheit (the stupidity)
die Dummheit (the foolishness)
die Intelligenz (the intelligence)
die Konsequenz (the consequence)
die Frequenz (the frequency)
die Existenz (the existence)
die Differenz (the difference)
die Tendenz (the tendency)
die Normalität (the normality)
die Spezialität (the speciality)
die Elektrizität (the electricity)
die Flexibilität (the flexibility)
die Kontinuität (the continuity)
die Änderung (the change)
die Abteilung (the department)
die Einladung (the invitation)
die Anleitung (the instruction)
die Forschung (the research)
German Nouns with Article: das (list)
das Schulzeugnis (the school certificate)
das Gedächtnis (the memory)
das Erlebnis (the experience)
das Geheimnis (the secret)
das Hindernis (the obstacle)
das Dokument (the document)
das Sortiment (the assortment)
das Zement (the cement)
das Komplement (the complement)
das Medikament (the medication, the medicine)
das Instrument (the instrument)
What are definite articles and how do you use them?
Definite articles are words that we use to talk about a specific thing or person.
They help us describe something precise and known. In German, the definite articles are “der,” “die,” and “das.”
- Der Hund (we know exactly which dog is meant)
- Die Katze (we know which cat is meant)
When do you use definite and indefinite articles?
Definite articles
Definite articles are used when talking about something that is already known or specifically identified.
Das Auto steht vor dem Haus. (We know which car is meant)
Indefinite articles
Indefinite articles are ein and eine.
They are used when talking about something that is not specifically identified or known.
- Ein Hund spielt im Garten. (It is not important which dog exactly)
- Eine Katze schläft auf dem Sofa. (It could be any cat, it is not specifically identified)
- Ein Auto steht vor dem Haus. (It could be any car, it is not specifically identified)
🎓 DER DIE DAS Quiz | Test how well you know the German articles
Take it now and see how good you are!
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Scroll up a little after pressing the start button to see the question.
Here is more for you
You should also repeat the following:
- Learn the pronunciation of the German alphabet with ease
- Similar words in English and German
- The plural article in German
- Indefinite articles: ein, eine
If you want to dig deeper into the subject matter of the articles, have a look at Collins Dictionary. They also explain the German articles.
Let’s see how many lessons you finish before you give up.
You are in Lesson 1
German Articles der, die, das
Lesson 2
Indefinite Articles ein, eine
Lesson 3
German Alphabet ABC
Lesson 4
The German Word “IST” (sein)
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Lesson 10
Numbers in German up to 999.999
Lesson 20
German Umlauts Ä Ö Ü
Lesson 30
Telling time in German
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