How to use the word LIKE in German

How to Practice with Part A of the Exercise
- Start by reading and listening to the audio several times.
- Repeat each phrase after the speaker.
- Focus on closely imitating the speaker’s pronunciation.
- Once you’re comfortable, move on to Part B (further down the page).
Tip: Visualize the situations as you go along—it will help you retain the vocabulary better!
mögen (to like)
Die Frau mag Äpfel.
The woman likes apples.
Der Junge mag keine Äpfel.
The boy doesn’t like apples.
Der Junge mag Süßigkeiten.
The boy likes sweets.
Der Mann mag keine Süßigkeiten.
The man doesn’t like sweets.
Der Mann mag Bier.
The man likes beer.
Das Mädchen mag kein Bier.
The girl doesn’t like beer.
Das Mädchen mag Schokolade.
The girl likes chocolate.
Negate your statement
When someone is asking you if you like something and you don’t, then you use the word kein(e) to negate your statement:
Der Junge mag Süßigkeiten, aber (but) keine Äpfel.
Der Mann mag Bier, aber keine Süßigkeiten.
Das Mädchen mag Schokolade, aber kein Bier.
If you want to know why and when the ending of the word “kein” changes, and also when to use “nicht” instead of “kein“, then follow the link: nicht vs kein
The verb mögen = to like (is an irregular verb)
Ich mag Schokolade.
Du magst Süßigkeiten.
Er mag keine Süßigkeiten.
Sie mag kein Bier.
Es mag Milch.
Wir mögen Ferien.
Ihr mögt Deutsch.
Sie mögen keine Spinnen.
How to use the word LIKE– Exercise B
How to Learn with Part B of the Exercise
Question and Answer Section:
- Begin by reading and listening to the questions and answers several times.
- Try to answer the questions during the pauses (feel free to refer to the answers if needed).
- After a few rounds, challenge yourself by answering without looking at the answers.
- Focus on closely mimicking the pronunciation.
- Repeat the exercise until you can confidently answer all the questions.
Was mag die Frau?
Kurze Antwort:
Lange Antwort:
Die Frau mag Äpfel.
Sie mag Äpfel.
Mag der Junge Äpfel?
Nein, der Junge mag keine Äpfel.
Er mag keine Äpfel.
Was mag der Junge?
Der Junge mag Süßigkeiten.
Er mag Süßigkeiten.
Mag der Mann Süßigkeiten?
Nein, der Mann mag keine Süßigkeiten.
Er mag keine Süßigkeiten.
Mag der Mann Äpfel?
Nein, der Mann mag auch keine Äpfel.
Er mag auch keine Äpfel.
Was mag der Mann dann?
Der Mann mag Bier.
Er mag Bier.
Ach so! (I see!)
Mag das Mädchen Schokolade oder Bier?
Natürlich (of course) Schokolade
Das Mädchen mag Schokolade.
Das Mädchen mag natürlich kein Bier.
Das Mädchen mag nur (only) Schokolade.
Es mag Schokolade.
Remember: es because of das Mädchen
Another example: Das Haus ist rot => Es ist rot.
But in this case it is also OK to say: “Sie mag Schokolade”, because a girl is a female being.
Don't stop now - repeat this part again!
Repeat this lesson until you can easily answer the questions.
Ich bin nicht entmutigt, denn jeder erkannte Irrtum ist ein weiterer Schritt nach vorne.
= I am not discouraged, because every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward.
~ Thomas A. Edison:
Here is more for you
- Learn the most important basic German words
- Word ‘is’ (to be) in German language
- How to recognize the German articles – list
- The German ABC
- German and English – similar words
- German nouns with articles and plural articles
- ein or eine – indefinite articles in German
And here are some blog articles that might interest you
- Why learn German in the first place?
- How to get fluent in German
- Saying goodbye in German – 12 uncommon ways
- How long does it take to learn German?
- Check out these long words in German and impress your friends

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