She, You and They in German
sie/Sie (confusing German word)
What do the words you, they and she mean in German?
They often ask, “If they in German is sie, she in German is sie, and even you in German is sie, how on earth do you tell them apart?”
I get it, I really do. This personal pronoun can be quite tricky because not only does it have three different meanings, but you might also see it with a capital letter.
sie, sie, and Sie—what???
Here are the three meanings of the German word ‘sie/Sie’
she = sie
they = sie
you (polite) = Sie
And to make it not too easy (just kidding) you have to know that we have two different words in German for the English personal pronoun you:
1) du
2) Sie*
*Please note that it is always written with a capital S.
We use Sie (when we talk to strangers, our boss, waiters, authority figures like police officers or in general when we talk to people who we don’t know so well.
We use the word du when we talk to people who we know very well for example our friends and family and we use it when we talk to kids.
🎓 She, You and They in German – Exercise A
- Read and listen to the content several times.
- Repeat each phrase after the speaker.
- Focus on accurately imitating the speaker’s pronunciation.
- Once you’ve practiced a few times, move on to Part B (further below).
Tip: Always visualize the situations in your mind; this will help you remember the words better!
Have a look at the example sentences and you will understand the differences:
sie = she
Maria trinkt gerne Wasser.
Maria likes to drink water.
Sie trinkt gerne Wasser.
She likes to drink water.
_ _ _
sie = they
Männer trinken gerne Bier.
Men like to drink beer.
Sie trinken gerne Bier.
They like to drink beer.
_ _ _
Sie = you (polite)
Talking to a stranger:
Können Sie mir helfen?
Could you help me?
_ _ _
du = you (familiar)
Talking to a friend:
Kannst du mir helfen?
Could you help me?
_ _ _
Sie = you (polite)
Talking to a stranger:
Entschuldigen Sie!
Excuse me!
Sie stehen in einer Pfütze.
You are standing in a puddle.
_ _ _
du = you (familiar)
Talking to a friend:
Hey, du stehst in einer Pfütze.
Hey, you are standing in a puddle.
Can you pronounce the word ‘Pfütze‘ that appears in the last sentence?
Did you notice the u umlaut?
Follow the pink link and I’ll show you how the umlauts are pronounced correctly.
🎓 She, You and They in German – Exercise B
The Best Way to Practice with Part B
Question and Answer Section:
- Listen to and read the questions and answers multiple times.
- Try to answer during the pauses (you can refer to the answers if needed).
- After a few rounds, challenge yourself to answer without looking at the answers.
- Focus on imitating my pronunciation closely.
- Keep repeating the lesson until you can easily answer all the questions.
Questions and Answers
Was trinkt Maria gerne – Wasser oder Limonade?
Kurze Antwort:
Lange Antwort:
Maria trinkt gerne Wasser.
Wer (who) trinkt gerne Wasser?
Maria trinkt gerne Wasser.
Was trinken Babys gerne?
Babys trinken gerne Milch.
Und sie trinken besonders gerne (particularly fond of) Muttermilch (breast milk).
Trinken Männer auch gerne Muttermilch?
Nein, natürlich nicht (of course not).
Männer trinken doch keine Muttermilch.
Was trinken Männer gerne?
Männer trinken gerne Bier.
Das weiß doch jedes Baby.
(Every baby knows that.)
Was ist in einer Regenpfütze* – Wasser oder Limonade?
In einer Regenpfütze ist Wasser.
Keine Limonade.
Also niemals aus einer Pfütze trinken! (So never drink from a puddle!)
*Regenpfütze is a compound word. We have the word Regen (rain) and Pfütze (puddle) in it. We Germans love compound words.
Do you know the word: Windschutzscheibenwaschanlage? = windscreen washer
Crazy isn’t it?
The „pf“ Sound in German
The „pf“ sound is not easy!
And it is ok if you just use an F-sound instead of a PF-sound.
p + f = pf
Pfütze, Pfütze oder sage einfach Pfütze (mit einem F-Laut).
Pfütze, Pfütze or just say Pfütze (with an F–sound).
Pferd, Pferd oder Pferd (mit einem F-Laut).
Pferd, Pferd or Pferd (with an F-sound).
(Das Pferd = the horse)
Don’t worry about the difficult pronunciation!
You will get better and better, you just need a lot of practice.
Es ist noch kein Meister vom Himmel gefallen!
Means: No one is born a master!
And by the way, don’t worry about your accent. I have an accent too.
Whenever I talk English I have a German accent – so what? I don’t care!
After all I’m German and not English.
Nobody needs to be perfect!
How to conjugate the regular verb ‘trinken’
Here is a little bonus:
We used the word trinken (to drink) above and I want to show you how to conjugate this regular verb:
Und nur zum Üben (just for practice):
Ich trinke
Du trinkst
Er, sie, es trinkt
Wir trinken
Ihr trinkt
Sie trinken
Don't stop now - repeat this part again!
Repeat this lesson until you can easily answer the questions.
Er, sie, es instead of the noun
In the next lesson, you’ll be able to practice how to replace the article and the noun with er, sie or es.
You can review all personal pronouns with my repetition lesson and learn how to say I love you in German.
>>> Er, sie, es – Learn how to use them
You can find more lessons in my main menu above!
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Lesson 1
German Article Exercises
Lesson 10
German numbers in Words
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sie, sie und Sie – WHAT?
Lesson 12
Er, SIE, ES instead of a Noun
Lesson 13
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German Umlauts Tips
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German Time System
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