How to say I love you in German

Personal Pronouns Part 3 (repetition unit)

How to say I love you in German

Would you like to impress your love?

Learn how to say I love you in German and much more. Listen to the audio samples with phrases of love and hate.

How to say I love you in German – Exercise A

How to learn with part A of the exercise

  1. Read and listen a few times.
  2. Repeat after the speaker.
  3. Make sure that you imitate the pronunciation of the speaker.
  4. After a few repetitions go on to part B (farther below).


Lieben und hassen
to love and to hate

Ich liebe dich.
I love you.

Du liebst Sonja. ❤️
You love Sonja.

Er liebt Schokolade.
He loves chocolate.

Sie hasst Spinnen. 
She hates spiders.

Das Baby liebt Milch. 
The baby loves milk.
(Es liebt Milch.) 

Wir lieben Ferien. 
We love holidays.

Ihr hasst langweilige Lehrer. 
You (all) hate boring teachers.

Und Lehrer hassen freche Schüler. 
And teachers hate cheeky students.

Sie hassen freche Schüler. 
They hate cheeky students.

Now that you’ve learned how to say ‘I love you’ in German, here is a repetition of all personal pronouns: ich, du, er, sie, es, wir, ihr, sie

How to say I love you in German – Exercise B:

How to learn with part B of the exercise

Question and Answer Part:

  1. Read and listen a few times to the questions and answers.
  2. Answer the questions in the pauses (you may look also at the answers).
  3. After a few times don’t look at the answers anymore.
  4. Make sure that you imitate the pronunciation of my voice.
  5. Repeat the lesson until you can answer the questions easily.
How to say I love you in German

Lieben und hassen (love and hate)

You already know that the endings of German verbs change according to the personal pronouns. Let’s practice with all personal pronouns and the German verbs ‘lieben’ and ‘hassen’.


Question and Answer Part

Wie heißen die Personalpronomen?
What are the personal pronouns called?

ich, du, er, sie, es, wir, ihr und sie

Wer liebt dich? ❤️
Who loves you?

Ich liebe dich.
I love you.

Wer liebt Sonja? ❤️
Who loves Sonja?

Du liebst Sonja.
You love Sonja.

Wusstest du das nicht?
Didn’t you know that?

Wer liebt Schokolade?
Who loves chocolate?

Er liebt Schokolade.
He loves chocolate.

Wer hasst Spinnen? 
Who hates spiders?

Sie hasst Spinnen.
She hates spiders.

Was hasst sie, flauschige Häschen
What does she hate, fluffy bunnies?

Nein, sie hasst (doch)* nicht flauschige Häschen.
No, she doesn’t hate fluffy bunnies.

Sie hasst Spinnen.
Sie hasst Spinnen über alles (above all).
She hates spiders the most.

Was liebt das Baby?
What does the baby love?

Das Baby liebt Milch.
The baby loves milk.

Es liebt Milch.

Wer liebt Ferien?
Who loves holidays?

Wir lieben Ferien.
We love holidays.

Wer hasst langweilige Lehrer? 
Who hates boring teachers?

Ihr hasst langweilige Lehrer.
You (all) hate boring teachers.

Und wer hasst freche Schüler?
And who hates cheeky/naughty students?

Lehrer hassen freche Schüler.
Teachers hate cheeky students.

Sie hassen freche und vorlaute Schüler.
They hate cheeky and impertinent students.

*dochThis is a filler word.

We German love these little words.

They usually cannot be translated because they have no special meaning. We just use those words to give more expression to a situation or to emphasize something.

So, don’t worry too much about them.

By the way, if you practice with all of my lessons and stories, you will encounter them often and develop a natural feeling for them and their meaning.

Personal Pronouns and Verb Endings
There are exceptions but most verbs have the following structure – so it is good to know this:

ich + verb ending –e
du + verb ending –st
er + verb ending –t
sie + verb ending –t
es + verb ending –t
wir + verb ending –en
ihr + verb ending –t
sie + verb ending –en

Don't stop now - repeat this part again!

Repeat this lesson until you can easily answer the questions.

sie/Sie (confusing German word)

What do the words you, they and she mean in German?

This question is often asked and when I answer all three mean sie then a lot of people are confused.

You, she, they in German

I hope you have learned much more than just how to say I love you in German!

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