We, You, They in German – Personal Pronouns Made Simple

Personal Pronouns Part 2

On this page, you can practice with the pronouns: wir, ihr, and sie.

If you want to practice with the personal pronouns: ich, du, er, sie, and es, follow the links at the end of this lesson.

We you they in German - Learn-German-Easily
You already know that most German verbs (in their basic form) typically end with -en.

And you also know that these endings change depending on the personal pronouns.

Alright, let’s take a closer look at how the endings change when we use the personal pronouns wir, ihr, and sie.

Personal Pronouns: we, you, they in German – Exercise A

How to Learn with Part A of the Exercise

  1. Begin by taking a close look at the picture.
  2. Read through the text and listen to the audio multiple times.
  3. Repeat each sentence after the speaker.
  4. Focus on replicating the speaker’s pronunciation as closely as possible.
  5. After a few repetitions, continue with Part B (further below).

Tip: Try to visualize the scenarios in your mind; this will help you retain the words more effectively!

We you they in German Learn-German-Easily


wir, ihr und sie

schlafen (to sleep):

Wir schlafen
We sleep

Ihr schlaft
You (all) sleep

Sie schlafen
They sleep

Wir schlafen immer sehr tief und fest.
We always sleep very deeply.

Ihr schlaft in der Nacht.
You (all) sleep at night.

Aber Vampire schlafen am Tag.
But vampires sleep during the day.

Sie schlafen am Tag.
They sleep during the day.

Personal Pronouns: we, you, they in German – Exercise B

How to Practice with Part B of the Exercise

Question and Answer Section:

  1. Begin by reading and listening to the questions and answers several times.
  2. During the pauses, try answering the questions (you can refer to the answers if needed).
  3. After a few rounds, challenge yourself to answer without looking at the answers.
  4. Pay close attention to mimicking my pronunciation accurately.
  5. Continue practicing until you can answer all the questions with confidence.


We you they in German Learn-German-Easily


Question and Answer Part

Was machen wir immer sehr tief und fest?

Wir schlafen immer sehr tief und fest.

Wann (when) schlaft ihr?
In der Nacht.
Ihr schlaft in der Nacht.

Wann schlafen Vampire?
am Tag
Vampire schlafen am Tag.
Sie schlafen am Tag.

Wer schläft am Tag?
Vampire schlafen am Tag.

Und wer schläft in der Nacht?
Ihr schlaft in der Nacht.

Und wer schläft immer tief und fest?
Wir schlafen immer tief und fest.

– – –

Ich verrate dir ein Geheimnis.
Ich habe Angst vor Vampiren.
Aber erzähl das niemanden!

I’ll tell you a secret.
I am afraid of vampires.
But don’t tell anyone!

Don't stop now - repeat this part again!

Repeat this lesson until you can easily answer the questions.

Repetition: All Personal Pronouns

In the next lesson, I’ll repeat all personal pronouns.

I suggest that you check Part 1: Personal Pronouns before you practice with the repetition unit.

No Need to Fear Vampires—or German!

Vampires and German have something in common: they’re both easy to handle once you know the tricks. To ward off vampires, you’d need garlic, a stake, and a crucifix.

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Lesson 1
German Articles der, die, das

Lesson 7
Plural Article “DIE”

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You are in Lesson 8 

Lesson 9

Lesson 10
Numbers in German up to 999.999

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Lesson 20
German Umlauts Ä Ö Ü

Lesson 30
Telling time in German

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