FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

Here you will find the most frequently asked questions and my answers.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact me. It’s best if you write me an email. I try to answer as soon as possible.

FAQ – Learn German Easily
I'm a beginner - are your lessons too difficult for me?

I know you’re worried, but don’t lose heart!
I met many beginners who all started from scratch and made huge progress with my method.

You have everything you need:

  • My 7 rules to master German
  • The English translation (for understanding)
  • The audio recording (for pronunciation)
  • The written words (for spelling)
  • The question and answer parts for active participation (to store the information in your brain).

You don’t have to memorize words or phrases, you will learn them automatically through the repetitions. You can do it! – Believe in yourself and never give up!

How long will it take before I can speak German fluently?

It depends on many factors, such as your current level and how much time you want to invest each day. 

Students who work with my lessons and stories for at least 30 minutes a day take around 6 to 8 months to speak German fluently.

Do I have to learn grammar rules to be able to speak German fluently?


But why?

Well, when you speak German you don’t have time to think about grammar rules. You have to feel what’s right and what’s wrong!

The ability to think German is key!

You have to feel the right grammar. The “Story Telling Method” in combination with the “Question and Answer Technique” helps you to develop this feeling.

Do you want to master German? Click the link and start with Lesson 1

Lesson 1
🔗 German Articles (Secret Decoded)

Wanna skip?
Go to:

Lesson 10
Numbers in German up to 999.999

Lesson 20
German Umlauts Ä Ö Ü

For more depth, try these selected intermediate lessons:

German Vocabulary 300+ Words 
Idioms and Expressions
Spice Up With Adjectives
Tense Mastery: Past to Future!
Crack Prefixes & Verbs
Clarify 'das' vs 'dass'

Blog Articles e.g.

German Work Permit: What You Need to Know and Do in Advance!

Palaces and Castles in Germany from Neuschwanstein (Cinderella’s) to Frankenstein’s Castle

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If you really want to master German, you need to know and follow 7 important rules.


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Success rate after 6-8 months

German teacher with 14 years of experience
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