German vocabulary with pictures and pronunciation

Here are more German vocabulary words with pictures and pronunciation.

Do you know that we learn much better if we associate German vocabulary with pictures? Our brain can remember the words much better that way.

der Garten

In the picture you can see some typical objects you would find in a German garden.

der Garten - German Vocabulary

Afrikanische Tiere – German Vocabulary with Pictures

More German vocabulary! – Africa is home to some amazing wildlife – full of unique species! Today I teach you how to call a few in German.

Afrikanische Tiere - German Vocabulary

die Fahrzeuge – German Vocabulary with Pictures

More German vocabulary!

On the picture you can see vocabulary on the subject of vehicles or means of transport.

German vocabulary - die Fahrzeuge

das Mittagessen – German Vocabulary with Pictures

These are all things you might eat for lunch.

das Mittagessen - German Vocabulary

das Hotel

Kick off the week with some new German vocabulary!

This would be vocabulary you’d need if you stay in a hotel or hostel.

Listen to these words. Did you know any of these before?

das Hotel - German Vocabulary

das Spielzeug

Toys are an important part of childhood. We all remember our favorites! Listen to these and more German words on this page.

die Spielzeuge - German Vocabulary

das Frühstück

In the picture I have put together some vocabulary that you can use at breakfast.

das Frühstück

die Meerestiere

Le’s kick off this week with more German vocabulary!

These are all sea animals.

German vocabulary - die Meerestiere

In der Stadt

In the following I have put together a few locations that you might come across when strolling in a city or doing a sightseeing tour.

German vocabulary - In der Stadt

die Arbeit

Here I have put together some vocabulary on the subject of “die Arbeit” for you.

die Arbeit - German Vocabulary

die Berufe

Now you can learn some typical professions and how to pronounce them in German.

die Berufe

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Tiere auf dem Bauernhof

Have you ever been to a farm?

With the next picture I would like to teach you some vocabulary of animals that are mainly found on farms.

die Tiere auf dem Bauernhof - German Vocabulary

die Kleidung

Do you know how to describe what you’re wearing in German?

Today I’m going to teach you.

die Kleidung - German Vocabulary

das Restaurant

In the picture you can see typical German words, which are very useful when sitting in a restaurant.

das Restaurant

die Haustiere

Here I have put together some pets for you that are very popular in Germany.

It’s best to look at the words and the translation and then use the play button to learn the pronunciation. 

die Haustiere - pets in German

das Werkzeug

Here are a few typical tools.

Click the play button and learn the pronunciation.

das Werkzeug - German Vocabulary

die Musikinstrumente

Here I have put together a few musical instruments in German.

Click the play button and learn the pronunciation.

musical instruments in German

German travel vocabulary with pronunciation

Here I have put together a few German vocabulary words about traveling.

Click the play button and learn the pronunciation.

German Vocabulary travelling - Reisen

Vegetables in German with articles

Here are a few popular vegetables we like to eat in Germany.

Click the play button and learn the pronunciation of these vegetables in German with articles.

German vocabulary - vegetables - das Gemuese

Electronic devices in German

On the picture you can see some electronic devices in German.

Look at the picture and then click the play button to learn the pronunciation.

die Geräte

Names of fruits in German

Here are some new German vocabulary on the subject of fruits.

Click the play button and listen:

Names of fruits in German

Here are a few German vocabulary words with pictures on the topic of New Year’s Eve. The pictures represent traditions that we associate with New Year’s Eve in Germany.

German vocabulary for New Year’s Eve (Silvester)

German vocabulary for New Year Eve

New Year’s resolutions (Neujahrsvorsätze)

Here are some German vocabulary words with pictures and pronunciation on the topic of New Year’s resolutions.


Whether on New Year’s Eve or New Year’s morning, everyone starts the new year with good intentions.

No matter how long the New Year’s resolutions last, they make us believe, at least for a short time, that the next year will be better.

Our wishes and goals for the new year are simply part of the new year.

Prost Neujahr etc.

Prost Neujahr and the other phrases on the picture are what we say at midnight in Germany while toasting with a glass of sparkling wine.

Frohes neues Jahr

Guten Rutsch

Guten Rutsch

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