Fun German Words | Weird & Hilarious

As a language, German is famous for its long words.

What many people don’t know, is that many of these words are compound words; meaning that they are made up of other words.

However, often the new word has a completely different meaning than you would imagine from the parts.

Here I show you a few of my favorite fun German words:

das Weichei – my favorite fun German word


Well, maybe a special German word for a breakfast egg?


In German we use this fun German word to refer to someone weak-willed or a little coward; someone that just goes along with the crowd.

Fun German Word: das Weichei

der Dreikäsehoch


This expression literally means “three cheeses high”.

Nowadays we mostly use it for fun, to scold children when they’re getting a little naughty. For example:

Sei nicht so frech, du Dreikäsehoch!
Don’t be so cheeky, Dreikäsehoch!

der Dreikäsehoch

das Backpfeifengesicht


‘Backpfeifengesicht’ – is a German word for a face that badly needs a punch.

Fun German Word - das Backpfeifengesicht

das Luftschloss


The German word Luftschloss refers to an unrealistic dream; an impossible thing that can’t be achieved. Kind of like building a castle in the air!

Fun German Word: Luftschloss

der Purzelbaum (a fun German compound word)


It sounds like a tree, right?

But it’s not! The word has a completely different meaning.

This German word describes a somersault in the ground, that kind that often lands in dirt!

Fun German Word - der Purzelbaum

das Kopfkino


The fun German word ‘Kopfkino’ refers to mentally playing out an entire situation in your mind, as if you were watching it in a movie theater.

Fun German Word: das Kopfkino

I’ll be adding more fun German words soon, so stay tuned. 

Do you want to master German? Click the link and start with Lesson 1

Lesson 1
🔗 German Articles (Secret Decoded)

Wanna skip?
Go to:

Lesson 10
Numbers in German up to 999.999

Lesson 20
German Umlauts Ä Ö Ü

For more depth, try these selected intermediate lessons:

German Vocabulary 300+ Words 
Idioms and Expressions
Spice Up With Adjectives
Tense Mastery: Past to Future!
Crack Prefixes & Verbs
Clarify 'das' vs 'dass'

Blog Articles e.g.

German Work Permit: What You Need to Know and Do in Advance!

Palaces and Castles in Germany from Neuschwanstein (Cinderella’s) to Frankenstein’s Castle

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