Average Salary in Germany

How much do you earn in Germany

Working in Germany – Make it in Germany

Do you want to know what the average salary in Germany is? Here you will find an overview of the average wage and the average income in Germany.

Do you earn more or less now?

Working in Germany can be worthwhile for many people

Many people decide to emigrate to Germany because the average salary in Germany is often significantly higher than in their home countries.

In the following, I will provide an overview of the potential earnings in various professions in Germany. Please note that these figures are rough estimates.

Success in Germany and the actual salary you can earn in your profession depend on many different factors.

One essential requirement for non-German citizens is obtaining a German work permit ( read more here).

Without it, employment in Germany is generally not feasible.

The average salary in Germany for a hairdresser is
1178 EUR per month

Friseur Salary in Germany
EUR Working in Germany as a …
1178 hairdresser
1487 maid
1519 fully trained hotel clerk
1722 tailor
1841 salesman
1863 building cleaner
1905 pharmacies helper
1963 medical assistant
2005 gardener
2006 bookseller (Retail)
2068 dental assistant
2146 removalist / (furniture) mover
2164 baker
2226 warehouseman
2264 electrical device assembly worker


By the way, if you want to move to Germany, then you should also know the states of Germany. Check them out.

The average wage in Germany for a painter is
2339 EUR per month

Painter Salary in German
EUR Working in Germany as a …
2339 painter
2342 carpenter
2355 plumber
2368 roofer
2405 nurse
2418 travel office staff
2465 trucker / lorry driver
2482 car mechanic
2493 bus driver
2493 physiotherapist
2525 assembly worker
2533 geriatric nurse  / caregiver
2533 mason
2557 tiler
2567 road builder
2577 conductor / train attendant
2633 electrician
2650 postman
2665 crane operator


The average salary in Germany for a waiter is
2762 EUR per month

Waiter - Salary in Germany
EUR Working in Germany as a …
2762 waiter
2780 construction plant operator
2859 machinist
2980 cooks
3087 office clerk
3092 butcher
3135 technical draftsman
3180 educator
3384 dental technician
3427 accountant
3470 social worker
3567 precision mechanic
3680 designer /graphic artist
3791 aircraft mechanic
3882 advertising expert


The average income in Germany for a firefighter is
4053 EUR per month

Firefighter - Salary in Germany
EUR Working in Germany as a …
4053 firefighter
4053 translator
4123 teacher (adult education)
4150 industrial mechanic
4349 civil engineer
4583 computer scientist
5160 electrical engineer
5163 mathematician
5163 physicist
5201 mechanical engineer
5506 lawyers
5667 physicians (assistant doctor)
6927 pilots
7054 physician (medical specialist)


Not everyone can work in Germany

If you’re aiming to work in Germany, there are specific conditions that must be met beforehand. The requirements vary depending on your nationality.

For instance, the conditions differ if you are a citizen of the European Union (EU), the European Economic Area (EEA), Switzerland, or a third-country.

To understand these distinctions and learn more about the German work permit process, I invite you to read my detailed article: ‘German Work Permit‘.

And I can give you this advice:

If you intend to move to Germany and work in Germany, then you should be able to speak German before you come.

Please note that you cannot learn German overnight.

It takes time.

And being able to speak German is almost always the requirement to find a well-paid job!

With my learning technique and my lessons, I can teach you how to speak German very well.

If you have enrolled in my e-mail course, then read through my 7 rules carefully and practice with my example lessons.

I also recommend practicing with my TPRS audio lessons and audio stories. They will help you to learn German quickly. If you need more information about the income in Germany you could also visit iamexpat.de. They have more information.

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